- Building state capability: Evidence, Analysis, Action (book)
Andrews, Matt, Lant Pritchett, and Michael Woolcock. Building state capability: Evidence, analysis, action. Oxford University Press, 2017. (click here to download)
3. Democracy in Hard Places
3. Democracy in Hard Places
Mainwaring, Scott, and Tarek E. Masoud, eds. Democracy in Hard Places. Oxford University Press, 2022. (click here)
Mainwaring, Scott, and Tarek E. Masoud, eds. Democracy in Hard Places. Oxford University Press, 2022. (click here)
4. Raising “Antiracist Disruptors”: Illuminating Socialization Practices that Support Antiracism in Multiracial Households
4. Raising “Antiracist Disruptors”: Illuminating Socialization Practices that Support Antiracism in Multiracial Households
Vezaldenos, V.A., Jacobs, LA. & Rivas-Drake, D. Raising “Antiracist Disruptors”: Illuminating Socialization Practices that Support Antiracism in Multiracial Households. Race Soc Probl 15, 79–100 (2023). (click here)
5. Prevention from Below: Civil Society Efforts to Prevent Violent Extremism in Southeast Asia
5. Prevention from Below: Civil Society Efforts to Prevent Violent Extremism in Southeast Asia
(click here to download)